Legal Disclaimer

Legal Disclaimer

All visitors and customers of 3 Rosebuds Co. LLC website agree to the following legal disclaimers:

  • 3 Rosebuds Co. LLC is not a medical practice, nor are we licensed physicians. We do not claim to heal or treat any mental or physical illnesses. Never disregard advice from your medical professional or delay seeking medical advice because of anything you may have read on this website.
  • The crystal healing information and/or products sold on this website are for entertainment and metaphysical use only. The information on this website or the products purchased through his website should NEVER be used to substitute any medical treatment. 
  • All visitors of this website assume any and all risks associated with using the information it contains, agreeing to hold 3 Rosebuds Co. LLC, its owners, and employees, of all claims, demands, causes of action, liability, loss, damage, and/or injury that may occur out of the use of this website, and/or its products. 
  • Upon purchase of a product(s) or services, the customers of 3 Rosebuds Co. LLC assume all personal and legal responsibility for their use of crystals within their everyday practices. 
  • 3 Rosebuds Co. LLC does not make any warranties, implied or expressed, with regards to its products or website.